In 2011, SNIEDC contracted with the First Nations Oweesta Corporation to perform a Market Study to determine the financial needs of Senecas. During their research, the need for financial education and credit building services came up repeatedly. Poor credit history emerged as the number one barrier for Senecas to secure financing for a small business or personal loan.
Listed below are several resources and services available to help meet the financial literacy needs of our community:
Financial and Entrepreneurship Resources
Practical Money Skills
Practical Money Skills is a free online resource that covers general topics from Debt, Budgeting, and Banking to more specific topics concerning life events, such as saving for college, renting an apartment, and planning for retirement. This is a good resource for understanding the basics of personal finance.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy is a completely free online school with videos. The Economics and Finance section provides a very good understanding of basic issues of personal finances and economics generally. You will learn about Debt, Interest, Banking, Investments, Insurance, Retirement, etc. all in very easy to watch 10 minute YouTube videos. Registration required.
Ignitespot – Accounting & Personal Finance Basics
Ignitespot – Accounting & Personal Finance Basics is another great website to find links to resources around the web for topics such as personal finance, accounting, small business accounting, becoming an accountant, and financial literacy for kids. offers financial literacy resources on various topics including Budgeting, Real Estate, Business Finance, and Retirement. has free downloadable business forms in the following areas: Asset Protection, Business Finance, Compensation and Benefits, Employee Management, Firing and Termination, Government Contracting Forms, IRS Tax Forms, Marketing, Recruiting and Hiring, Starting Your Business, State Tax Forms, Worker Safety, Vehicles and Equipment.
The Patent and Trademark Office
The Patent and Trademark Office has made the process of researching and applying for trademarks fairly simple through the Trademark Electronic Application System.
U.S. Copyright
U. S. Copyright office provides the ability to record, research and register a copyright. offers comprehensive franchise information and resources. Choose from a directory of franchise business opportunities.
Business Know How
Business Know How is a resource for ideas and strategies for starting, running and growing your business.
Legal Resources
Find Law’s Small Business Center
Find Law’s Small Business Center provides information and resources for small business owners.
National Indian Law Library (NILL)
The NILL is a law library devoted to federal Indian and tribal law. NILL maintains a unique and valuable collection of Indian law resources and assists people with their Indian law-related research needs.
Credit Score and Credit Building Resources offers a free program designed to assist you in improving your credit.
The Federal Trade Commissionn
The Federal Trade Commission website has information to improve your credit yourself, as well as how to avoid fraudulent credit building services. is another resource for understanding your credit score.
Youth Entrepreneurship
SNIEDC Business Strategist
SNIEDC provides one-on-one counseling for Seneca Entrepreneurs, financial literacy and credit classes for all Senecas.
SNIEDC offers assistance, support, training and educational services to community members interested in starting a business. Our goal is “to provide updated information and best practices used in successful business ventures with the unique requirements directly related to conducting business both on and off territory.”
SNIEDC Business Strategist is trained and certified to facilitate accredited Native American-centric business curriculum and offers many services and resources such as:
- Financial Management and Planning
- CPA Consultant Services
- Accounting Software Training
- Market Research and Development
- Business Advisory Services
- Credit Counseling
- Native Business Network Contacts
- Legal Document Creation and Review
- Business Legal Consultants Services
- And many other resources…
Contact SNIEDC office to schedule your appointment with our Business Strategist:
90 Ohi:yo Way, PO Box 437
Salamanca, NY 14779
Phone: (716) 945-7148
Fax: (716)945-8556
Email: [email protected]

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